Peach Blueberry Buckle (Everyday Food)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Peach Blueberry Buckle
Peach Blueberry Buckle

Peach Blueberry Buckle
I watched. I got. I made.

Recently, I watched Everyday Baking on PBS and saw John B. make a delicious looking peach buckle with some added ___berries (blackberry? boysenberry? I don’t remember.)

Even more recently (if that is a phrase), I got two bags full of fresh picked peaches from my co-worker Andrea’s tree.

Thus, I made the Peach Buckle with Andrea’s peaches and some blueberries.

John B. on Everyday Food made his in a cast iron skillet. I used a 9x9 pan since I couldn’t find the cast iron pan (oh where could that heavy thing be?)

Peach Blueberry Buckle
Andrea’s peaches were way fresh so I didn’t need to blanch them to get the skins off!

Peach Blueberry Buckle
The recipe calls for 4 cups peaches...I used 3 cups peaches and 1 cup blueberries

Peach Blueberry Buckle Peach Blueberry Buckle
The topping consists of cinnamon, sugar and sliced almonds.

Peach Blueberry Buckle
Peaches and Blueberries. Happy friends together, no?

This summer, when you are gifted some delicious summer fruit, make a buckle!
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1. Linda said... [Reply to comment]

It's amazing that peaches are coming in season already

The photo of the diced peaches and blueberries looks unbelievably delicious!

2. Patricia Scarpin said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, this looks so mouthwatering! I love peaches but have never baked with them. It's about time, I guess!
I also love it that you used almonds.

3. Shannon said... [Reply to comment]

So, so yummy! Possibly one of my favorite things you have made for us.

4. Jacque said... [Reply to comment]

That looks really, REALLY good! I love the colors :)

5. Prudy said... [Reply to comment]

I'm crazy about buckle and yours looks amazing. What an incredible flavor combo!

6. Anne said... [Reply to comment]

Fresh peaches, wow! Great job!

7. Jaime said... [Reply to comment]

YUM. love those big chunks of fresh fruit!

8. Annette said... [Reply to comment]

I found this blog spot while looking for blueberry buckle recipes for one of my classes this summer. This looks absolutely FABULA! -Annette South Bay School of Cooking

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