Can I live at Trader Joe’s? Rustic Summer Fruit Tart with Buttery Puff Pastry

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Rustic Plum Tart
Summer Fruits on Puff Pastry

Remember that 80’s movie “Mannequin” starring Andrew McCarthy? When it came out my friends and I talked about what store we wanted to live in. I don’t remember what we selected...but I’m sure someone said Miller’s Outpost, Nordstroms and perhaps Contempo Casuals.

If I were asked that question today, I would answer: Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods and a toss up between Surfas, REI, and Yogurtland. Sigh.

My Trader Joe’s is now carrying frozen puff pastry. Made with BUTTER. Yes, all butter! Thank you Mary Jo for mentioning this in your blog, Bash!

Recently, I bought Dufour’s puff pastry at Surfas. Dorie Greenspan says it is made with all butter and better than, without mentioning any names, the Pepperidge Farm stuff in the grocery store. But Dufour cost…get this…$14 a package. I haven’t opened it yet because I’m afraid of messing up and ruining my “investment”!

I’m stoked that TJ now carries puff pastry for $4.99!!! Here’s the package of two frozen sheets.

Trader Joe's Puff Pastry Trader Joe's Puff Pastry
Wheat flour, butter, salt, sugar, water! I cut off the calorie's better not to know.

Trader Joe's Puff Pastry - Making a tart shell Mango-flavored nectarines and peaches
I decided to make Everyday Food’s Rustic Nectarine Tart with some additional summer fruits. This is sooo easy. Roll out dough, score the "border", bake off and then add the fruit and have a second bake! Easy. Delicious. and Butter!

Rustic Nectarine and Peach Tart
The tarts are filled with mango-flavored nectarines from Ken’s Top Notch Produce at So Cal Farmer’s Markets, some yellow peaches, plouts and plums. I heated some apricot jam to lightly glaze the fruit.

Rustic Nectarine, Peach and Plum Tarts
I made this in the morning and brought it to work.
The breakfast of champions: Butter and Stone Fruit!
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1. Sandy Smith said... [Reply to comment]

These are gorgeous!! Mango-flavored nectarines? How perfect these fruits must be with that sugar-crusted puff pastry. Oh my . . . Sadly, I don't have a Trader Joe's anywhere near where I live, believe it or not, so I'll have to look for alternatives!

2. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

This looks delicious! A small dollop of ice cream and I'd be read to settle down with that tart.

3. Carol Peterman/TableFare said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for the TJ heads up on puff pastry. I will be taking advantage of that.

4. Damaris @Kitchen Corners said... [Reply to comment]

I always have one box of their puff pastry in my freezer. It's so darn good. I like to make baked brie inside puff pastry. It's so good and so easy.

5. Patricia Scarpin said... [Reply to comment]

My goodness, these are beautiful!
I love anything puff pastry, and with such delicious fresh fruit, who can resist?

6. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

We don't have a Trader Joe's here either! I miss TJ. They have such great products and I really don't know how they keep their prices so low.

You are killing me with your food this week! I am craving sweets in a terrible way now.

BTW, I love the movie 'Mannequin'! That was when Andrew McCarthy was such a babe!

7. Mary Jo said... [Reply to comment]

looks so good! i'm a big fan of Trader Joes too, never know what you're going to find :)

8. Susie Homemaker said... [Reply to comment]

Shhh...I have never purchased puff pastry of any kind. But I may have to now!! Look at that! yummmmm

9. Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

Nice pastries. Never tried puff pastry. IT TAKES ALOT OF EFFORT TO MAKE

10. Jewels said... [Reply to comment]

Yummy and ditto I have a Trader Joe's here in Dayton Ohio and I love it !!

11. Jewels said... [Reply to comment]

Yummy!! and ditto I have a Trader Joe's here in Dayton Ohio and I love it !!

12. betty geek said... [Reply to comment]

Feed me! PLEASE! Great idea and thanks for sharing! :D

13. mimi said... [Reply to comment]

ooh, your tart looks gorgeous and i love the flavor combo. will have to see if TJ carries that over here in the east coast stores. and i LOVED the movie mannequin (or really, i loved andrew but who didn't?!)

14. Allen said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, so beautiful! I'm glad you cut off the calorie count in the photo ... now, when I go to TJ's to buy a package of puff pastry, I'll have to remember not to look on the back of the box :-)

15. Lo said... [Reply to comment]

Well, isn't that good news? Buttery puff pastry at my TJ's?!

You made good use of it too. Thanks for the lovely food porn!

16. How To Eat A Cupcake said... [Reply to comment]

I saw that episode. I record all of those shows! This looks so delicious. I wish I lived near a Trader Joe's... or even a Whole Foods! :(

17. Kana said... [Reply to comment]

$4.99 at Trader Joe sounds good to me.Lovely breakfast!

18. Dee said... [Reply to comment]

I've never heard of mango-flavoured nectarines. They sound amazing! I wish wish wish we had a Trader's Joe's where I live *sigh*

19. Jaime said... [Reply to comment]

i love fruit tarts! you're so lucky to live near a TJ's!

20. KK said... [Reply to comment]

yummy, yummy - there's a party in my tummy! i totally stole that from some preschool show - but nonetheless...YUMMY!

so glad for the heads up about TJ's and the puff pastry...

when that movie came out - i wanted to live inside an Annie Sez...! Don't shoot me...

now - on mondays, wednesdays and fridays i'd want to live inside B and H photo and on tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays i'd want to live inside Barnes and Noble and on sundays - i'll take Ben & Jerry's for the Chocolate Therapy!

21. Judy's Nutrition said... [Reply to comment]

What beautiful photos. And if that tart tasted as good as it looks, then....delicious!

22. preppy little dress AKA "PLD" said... [Reply to comment]

looks yummy! i love trader joes!

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