It's Pi Day! Thin Mint Strawberry Pi (You Want Pie with That?)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Thin Mint Strawberry Mascarpone Pi
Strawberry Mascarpone "Mint" Pi

It's Pi Day! (3/14 = 3.14)

To celebrate, the baking group You Want Pie with That? is posting their monthly pie selection today. This month's theme, selected by Elizabeth of Cake or Death, is Herbs and Spices.

I'm sure my other bakers are pulling out the mortar and pestle to grind cardamon pods, spent the month growing rosemary on their windowsill, or went to their Indian spice store.

Um, my herb is totally exotic.

It's pretty rare...only found in certain areas.
Like the delicate saffron, it is harvested by hand.
It's as addicting as the stuff they make from poppy seeds in Afghanistan.
The selling season is short and only sold by certain designated individuals.

My herb is the Girl Scout Thin Mint!
(Okay, it's a stretch, but I figure Pi day would appreciate the pun)

Thin Mint Strawberry Mascarpone Pi

Thin Mint Strawberry Mascarpone Pi Thin Mint Strawberry Mascarpone Pi
I took food processed about 1 1/2 sleeves of Thin Mints to make 1 1/2 cups of crumbs. (I didn't have enough so next time I would go for 2 cups of crumbs). Added 4 T (1/2 stick) of melted butter. Pressed into tart shell and baked 10 minutes at 350.

I blended an 8 ounce container of mascarone cream, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/3 c heavy cream, and 1 t vanilla for the filling.

Thin Mint Strawberry Mascarpone Pi
California strawberries...yum!

Be sure to check out the other creative You Want Pie with That? bakers!
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1. Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

Yum! I love the special and rare herb that you used! You can only get GS Thin Mints once or twice a year, right? ;o) Looks delicious, Mary.

2. Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

oh that looks so nice ! So delicious. I don't know what thin mints are but they must be yummy :)

3. Mary Ann said... [Reply to comment]

I absolutely love your herb and pie! It looks delicious. You are so imaginative.

4. Matt's Kitchen said... [Reply to comment]

What a beautiful dessert. It looks like an exotic flower opening its petals.

I usually celebrate Pi Day with my students by doing all sorts of related activities. They would love it if I served them all this at the end!

5. Maria said... [Reply to comment]

That is gorgeous! Happy Pi Day to you. What a great way to celebrate!

6. Megan said... [Reply to comment]

Yes, thin mints are rare indeed! Looks totally scrumptious!

7. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Agh! I just gained another pound! You are a pie baking MACHINE! And a librarian, to boot. Hard to beat that combination! ;)

8. Sara said... [Reply to comment]

Yum, this looks really delicious! The flavors sound terrific together. I love Thin Mints!

9. farah said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my goodness, this looks sooooo good! Just the kind of thing i like to eat :)
I love how all your strawberries are all standing up!

10. Elyse said... [Reply to comment]

Thin mints are my perfect spice, for sure! This pie looks totally divine. Happy Pi Day! I wish I had your pie to celebrate the holiday!

11. Beryl said... [Reply to comment]

I chased the neighbor kid in a brownie uniform down the street to buy this elusive herb!

12. Heather S-G said... [Reply to comment]

Ah yes, that rare thin of my favorites :) Such a fun pie!

13. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Your strawberries look so perfect. I continue to be jealous of the California produce :)

Happy Pi day!

14. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Thin Mints are may favorite of the Girl Scout cookies, but I haven't gotten my hands on some in FOREVER. And your strawberries look absolutely perfect. Thanks for sharing!

15. Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

OH MY GOD!!! Dawn of Vanilla Sugar recently asked what our favorite flavor combos were and I said chocolate, cream cheese and strawberries. Well Hello Dolly look at that pi!

I have all the ingredients for this too and i want it NOW. Looks so SO good.


16. Pearl said... [Reply to comment]

happy pi day! and those strawberries look deeeeelish!

17. White on Rice Couple said... [Reply to comment]

Love it! Thin mints totally qualify as an herb. Mint, right! Love the flavor combos on the pie. Looks quite delicious!

18. Judy said... [Reply to comment]

So, when can I expect delivery of that Pi? Anything with mint and strawberries just has to be good for you, right?

19. Nichicakes said... [Reply to comment]

Yum! I love your stretch of the imagination.

20. Donna-FFW said... [Reply to comment]

I love Thin Mints. This looks absolutely stunning. I bet it was justso tasty!

21. dharmagirl said... [Reply to comment]

Oh, deliciousness! What a perfect Pi day pie! Those berries...ahhhhhhh.

22. Jacque said... [Reply to comment]

Oh, now, I think we have our winner folks... no need to even vote for our favorite pie this month. Mary's got it in the bag :)

LOL, no seriously, your tart looks fantastic and sounds delicious.

23. Cathy said... [Reply to comment]

I bought way and I mean WAY too many Thin Mints this year -- I just love them. Even with all the baking I do these days, I feel like Thin Mints will always hold a special place in my heart. So I've been feeling like I need to find a great recipe to use up some of them, lest I eat them all, frozen (the best way), 1/2 sleeve at a time. And you've provided such a awesome recipe. Thank you!!!

24. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I don't think I have ever had something minty with strawberries. Such a good idea, especial since it includes chocolate! :)

25. Susan @ SGCC said... [Reply to comment]

Gorgeous pie! I love your special herb addition. ;) Mascarpone and strawberries is always a hit with me!

26. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Well, I will just have to stop talking to you now, I am SOOOO jealous of your photos!

I LOVE mascarpone in a tarte... Woo HOO!!! Is that a cookie bottom?

27. Deeba PAB said... [Reply to comment]

Just love it. Bow to your beautiful pie!!

28. Esi said... [Reply to comment]

Another amazing creation. I got sucked in to the girl scouts today and got some samoas. I am so loving the combo of strawberry and mascarpone and chocolate/mint!

29. Libby said... [Reply to comment]

That looks amazing! (And I'm a sucker for Girl Scout cookies.) The side slice view set me to drooling! Libby

30. Ellen and Tom said... [Reply to comment]

I love thin mints! Darn, that was a good idea. Your pie looks gorgeous -great photos.

31. Karen said... [Reply to comment]

This is perfect! Thin Minuts, marscapone, strawberries. Mmm, good!

32. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Lovely! What a great pie to celebrate with. :) Happy pi day!

33. Maggie said... [Reply to comment]

The mint, chocolate strawberry combination sounds awesome!

34. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

thin mints don't have a chance in my house, i would be lucky to find the empty box! looks delicious.

35. How To Eat A Cupcake said... [Reply to comment]

Hahaha I can totally see your case that Thin Mints are "herbs".... Lol ;D

36. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Thin mints .... I will now be adding that to my must have spice list!

37. The Blonde Duck said... [Reply to comment]

This is the perfect way to celebrate Pi day!

38. Reeni said... [Reply to comment]

I love it!! It's so luscious and refreshing. And did I say delicious? YUM!

39. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Love it!!!! What a great combination!

40. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

It's an interesting combination of flavours, and yet totally logical. I love it!

41. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

OH EM GEE! yum yum yum!

42. Liz said... [Reply to comment]

Sounds awesome! I heartily approve of this "herb" pie! :)

43. Y said... [Reply to comment]

I'm so bummed I missed Pi day. Your strawberry pi looks delish!

44. suz said... [Reply to comment]

You've done it again! I don't think there's anything anyone could ever dislike about this pie. And I'll eat anything with mascarpone :)

45. Kana said... [Reply to comment]

Luscious pi!

46. NKP said... [Reply to comment]

Love the rare and exotic thin mints! What a beautiful pie, can I have some?

47. CookiePie said... [Reply to comment]

What a beautiful pie! And I love that you used Thin Mints -- great idea! The filling sounds really scrumptious too...

48. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Oh yum. Everything sounds delicious. The strawberries are gorgeous. You can't go wrong with Thin Mints. And the mascarpone filling. That just shot the whole dessert out of the stratosphere. YUM>

49. Kate said... [Reply to comment]

Not only is this gorgeous, but it screams out for you to have a bite. I've been thinking about girl scout cookies ever since they started passing them out a few weeks ago. This is perfect!! You've got my vote!

50. Apples and Butter said... [Reply to comment]

Wow that looks amazing! I have tried my best to stay away from those drug dealers known as girl scouts this season so I don't have any thin mints on hand to make it, but I can just taste the mint and creaminess. Great recipe!

51. April said... [Reply to comment]

Very clever! Looks delicious, Thin Mints are my favorite GS cookie.

52. Irene said... [Reply to comment]

That looks delish! And those strawberries, mmmmmmm........

53. The Scootabaker said... [Reply to comment]

I need to make another tart ASAP! UCLA librarian perhaps? Which of the many on campus??

54. RecipeGirl said... [Reply to comment]

Num Num! Good way to utilize those evil Girl Scout cookies! I'll take that as a spice any day :)

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