Banana Zucchini Bundt Cake with King Arthur Cinnamon Flav-R-Bites

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Zucchini Banana Bundt - Food Librarian
It's the end of summer.
Luckily, I got to go to San Diego over Labor Day weekend and met up with my friend Jami and her new doggie, Maggie. Ain't she the cutest?

Maggie S

When it's summer, it's zucchini time. Kinda like Hammer Time but with a little less dancing.

Zucchini Banana Bundt - Food Librarian
My blogger friend Mary of Popsicles and Sandy Feet recently went to King Arthur Flour in Vermont. OMG. When she said she was going to KAF for a baking class, I thought she was kidding. Seriously, I thought KAF was like Oz. A place they mention in their catalog and on their packages, but not an actual place. Well, low and behold, Mary took a baking class with her mom! See her post about her yummy adventures.

After my cat Q-Tip passed away, I received a lovely card and gift package from Mary. She is so sweet. I shook the packet and it sounded like dried cat food! But inside were King Arthur Flour's Cinnamon Flav-R-Bites. These are too cool!

I added 1/3 cup of King Arthur Flour Cinnamon Flav-R-Bites. While they do indeed look like cat food pellets, they are tasty when they soften in a baked good. They are also dairy free! Whoo hoo. (The recipe is also dairy-free).

Zucchini Banana Bundt - Food Librarian
I found this recipe on Michelle's blog (One Ordinary Day) and Alicia's blog (Confessions of a Bakeaholic ) and it looked so delicious I had to give it a shot. One cup each: raw zucchini, mashed bananas and chopped pecans, along with 1/3 c of the King Arthur Cinnamon Flav-R-Bites.

Zucchini Banana Bundt - Food Librarian
Yeah. I know. It's a Bundt. Again.
And I have another one that isn't posted yet. I think I'll save that one to space them out a bit! :)

This was yummy. It isn't really rich like Dorie Greenspan's butter and sour cream filled Banana Bundt, but it is a yummy breakfast treat. The King Arthur Flav-R-Bites add a nice cinnamon touch.

Zucchini Banana Bundt - Food Librarian
Recipe: (three options)
One Ordinary Day who found it on Recipezaar (submitted by Margo59 and baked in two loaf pans) or Confessions of a Bakeaholic
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1. Audrie said... [Reply to comment]

When I saw that picture of the Flav-R-Bites, I thought it was kibble! LOL! I need to hunt them down because my husband would go nuts for them :)

2. Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

I have a couple bundts I haven't posted about either.

Those flav-r bits do look like cat food. But I sure they taste much better! Your bundt looks so yummy. I love zucchini baked into cakes.

3. Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

what a nice cake! I ve always wanted to make a zucchini cake . so far still wishing. cute doggy!! :)

visit my new blog with lots of recipes at

4. Paris Pastry said... [Reply to comment]

Awww Maggie is too precious!!! Lovely Bundt as well!

5. Rosa's Yummy Yums said... [Reply to comment]

A delicious looking cake! Your dog's face expression is priceless!



6. Hilary said... [Reply to comment]

I'm loving the run of bundt cakes! Zucchini in cake is always a winner.

I'm going to Vermont in two weeks' time and I am SO excited to go to KAF!

7. ~Lexibule~ said... [Reply to comment]

Un très joli cake rempli de délicieuses saveurs:)xxx

8. Jennifer said... [Reply to comment]

I thought it was dog food too!! It sounds amazing though- cinnamon bites! yum!

9. La Table De Nana said... [Reply to comment]

I like that recipe..I wish we had King Arthur here..I'll have to look into those cinnamon bites:)

10. shaz said... [Reply to comment]

What a great way to use up bananas and zucchinis!

Beautiful dog.

11. Amanda said... [Reply to comment]

You are, without a doubt, the Queen of Bundtland! I swear those bits look like cat food LOL! That bundt looks heavenly!

12. A Bowl Of Mush said... [Reply to comment]

Yum zucchini and banana! Love the pics!

13. Jennifer said... [Reply to comment]

I JUST found out about these classes...Living in Massachusetts, I think I need to make the drive up to Oz.:)

14. Mini Baker said... [Reply to comment]

oh wow! this really looks delicious! I saw the dog & saw the kibble-like bites and figured it was dog food! But I'm very excited it not because now I can make the recipe :)
Happy Baking!
-Mini Baker

15. Maria said... [Reply to comment]

I love all of your bundt cakes!

16. oneordinaryday said... [Reply to comment]

I thought it was pet food too! Too funny. And the name - Flav-R-Bites reminds me of Pup-R-Ronis.

Great addition to the recipe, in any case. And thanks for linking back to my blog.

17. Nichicakes said... [Reply to comment]

Another bundt or not, it looks delicious. The cinnamon things do look a little like kibble tho :)

18. Mrs. G said... [Reply to comment]

That bundt cake looks great!

19. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I really need to get a bundt pan so I can make beautiful things like this.

20. Kerstin said... [Reply to comment]

What a yummy cake! And how cool KA offers baking classes!

21. alicia said... [Reply to comment]

haha ok, i totally like many others thought you were putting dog food in it..haha. looks yummy! and those are so cool. Thanks for the link back! =)

22. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Haha the cinnamon bites do look like cat/dog food but I bet they're delish! The bundt sounds great. Now that I've found I like zucchini in baked goods I'm going to try more. Will add your bundt to the list!

23. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

They totally do look like kibble! Mary is a rock star. I got a bag too. :) Thanks for the inspiration - I have a feeling these would be good in just about anything.

24. kimberleyblue said... [Reply to comment]

I thought it was dog food as well! I assumed you were making a cake for that gorgeous dog. :)

Awesome looking cake - zucchini makes great breads and cake.

25. Anh said... [Reply to comment]

Absolutely lovely! I heart all the ingredients in the cake!

26. Janice said... [Reply to comment]

You are a bundt cake inspiration! I am going to have to make one soon! Thanks for the great posts!

27. Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

De-lish! Me and Banana-anything are like this (holding up two crossed fingers).

28. Mary said... [Reply to comment]

Cutest post ever.....I am so glad you could make a dairy free bundt...with my cinnamon cat food :)...

29. KAF Customer Service said... [Reply to comment]

What a terrific looking cake! When our customers are looking for zucchini recipes, I'll definitely mention this one!

I got to meet Mary when she came here to KAF, she is a lovely lady, and her mom too.

Looks like you are next on the list for a visit to the magical land of King Arthur! Hope to see you someday.

MaryJane @ King Arthur Flour

30. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

The Bundt Librarian.

31. eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Those flav-r-bites are very intriguing and definitely look like kibble haha. I don't know if I've ever seen banana and zucchini together in a cake but it sounds like a great idea!

32. Angela KL said... [Reply to comment]

Hi Mary,

Just in case you don't reader comments in your old posts (Classic Banana Bundt Cake).. I thought I'll drop you a comment here as well.. just in case.

I baked the cake yesterday and it was what we were looking for.. moist, light and cake like texture. Thank you for choosing the recipe.. I blogged about it and attributed my inspiration to try the recipe to you.

Thanks Mary. Have a nice weekend and happy baking!

33. The Blonde Duck said... [Reply to comment]

Cute puppy and tasty cake! What more could you want?

34. 2.46% said... [Reply to comment]

This looks really good. You're right..the cinnamon flav-r-bites look just like cat food! I've never heard of these before but I need to look into it. I bet they would be great in a coffeecake.

I like all your bundt cake recipes. You should make yourself a bundt cake crown and declare yourselft queen!

35. Ingrid_3Bs said... [Reply to comment]

Looks good! Keep the bundts coming!

36. Heather S-G said... [Reply to comment]

This sounds delicious! And how cool are those little flav r bites!? I must look for these :D

37. Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, I love your bundt cakes! There could never ever be too many! I think it's really pretty, and when it's sliced it's even more gorgeous. Love that you can see the flecks of zukes in there!

38. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

YUM. I'll have to get some of those flav-r-bites. I love San Diego. I lived there during grad school plus a few years.

39. Engineer Baker said... [Reply to comment]

Oh, you and your bundts... Do you think it'd work just as well with cinnamon chips instead of KAF's kibble?

40. Creative Classroom Core said... [Reply to comment]

Those flavor bites sound so cool!
Great photo of a gorgeous cake!

41. Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

This cake looks amazing. What an interesting combination of flavors.

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