Sour Cream Chocolate Cake Bundt

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sour Cream Chocolate Bundt - Food Librarian
It has been so hot in Los Angeles that I can only bake at 4 am. Crazy, yeah. But look at the cute result! Of course, it's a Bundt. This is an old Nordic Ware Bundt...the Fiesta Party Pan. That is a strange name. I called it my "Tree Bundt".

Sour Cream Chocolate Bundt - Food Librarian
Since my last post was all about Jury Duty, I wanted to update you. Whoo hoo! I'm free. Los Angeles has a one day or one trial system. If you make it through one day without being sent to a trial, you are home free. So I sat in a room with over 100 other citizens for hours. They started the day with five possible trials. At 11:45 am, they said they were down to two trials (never been so happy for a plea bargain or continuance). At 2:30 pm, they finally called about 20 jurors. My fingers were cramping because I was trying to use my iPod Touch and I was crossing my fingers all day! :)

Finally, at 3:00 pm, they were going to call 35 jurors, and if you weren't on the list, you were going home! Tension filled the room like the set of "American Idol" (only in reverse...don't pick me, Ryan Seacrest!) When she said, "Mary..." I gasped. But it was a different Mary. Whew. Then she said, "Mary..." again! And, would you believe it, there were at least three Mary's in that room? Lucky for me (and unlucky for them), it wasn't me!

Whew! This calls for a celebration...and the Bundt is perfect for that!

Sour Cream Chocolate Bundt - Food Librarian
I saw this cake on Jessica's What's Cooking in the Orange Kitchen? blog. Jessica found it on the back of the Bakers & Chefs brown sugar package from Sam's Club! Don't you just love those "back of the bag" recipes?! This recipe's technique is similar to the Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt and Texas Sheet Cake. Both of those recipes melt and boil ingredients, and this one melts the chocolate and butter in boiling water.

I placed 3 oz unsweetened baking chocolate (chopped up) and 1 stick of butter (cut into pieces) into a bowl. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the top. Stir until melted.

In my Kitchen Aid mixer, I placed 2 cups packed brown sugar, 2 cups flour, 1 1/2 tsp baking soda, and 1 tsp salt. I used the paddle and let it spin on low to mix the dry ingredients. With the mixer on low, slowly add the melted chocolate mixture. Once the batter is well blended, add 2 eggs, 1/2 cup sour cream and 1 tsp vanilla. Then raise the speed to medium and beat for one minute. And that's it! Easy peasy, no?

Grease and flour the Bundt pan (or spray the heck out of it with Baker's Joy or Pam with Flour). I suggest a 10 or 12-cup Bundt. Bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes. Rest 10 minutes then depan and cool completely. I dusted mine with powdered sugar. Jessica added a chocolate ganache drizzle. Yum!

I used my Nordic Ware Fiesta Bundt (I don't see it on their website...I've had it for years). I believe it is about 9-cups and that why it is a little too full for this recipe.
Can you see a face profile in this slice?! See that little eye? Yeah...I've looked at too many Bundts and the heat has fried my little brain!

Have a great holiday weekend! Be safe and have fun!

Sour Cream Chocolate Cake from What's Cooking in the Orange Kitchen?
From back of the Bakers & Chefs brown sugar package from Sam's Club
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1. Rosa's Yummy Yums said... [Reply to comment]

I love that shape. A deliciously moist looking Bundt Cake!



2. Esi said... [Reply to comment]

Fiesta!! What a cute pan. Even at 4AM it is still to hot to bake in my house (no AC or fan) so I am living vicariously through you!

3. Jennifer said... [Reply to comment]

BEAUTIFUL BUNDT! It is lovely!

I love the combo of sour cream and chocolate...and I love that you could see the face in the cake...that's so funny!!!!

4. Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

Look at the face!!! hahaha - I totally see it. Another lovely bundt cake. Keep-em coming!

5. Audrie said... [Reply to comment]

That looks so delicious!!! Love cakes with sour cream and chocolate!

6. La Pixie said... [Reply to comment]

glad you got out of jury duty.

7. Michele said... [Reply to comment]

I love your pan! What a beautiful Bundt cake. I bet the cake is pretty great too.... =)

8. Audrey said... [Reply to comment]

Don't stop, please! My bundt pan collection is feeling lonely and unloved, and I need your recipes to help me change that!

9. Nancy/n.o.e said... [Reply to comment]

I totally see that face - looks a little like one of those Easter Island stone faces. Great looking cake and I love the "tree pan"

10. grace said... [Reply to comment]

mmm. dense, chocolate-heavy, and delicious. and i can totally see the face, and frankly, i'm loving the hairstyle. :)

11. Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

How I wish I could just grab that slice :)
visit my new blog at

12. Jessica said... [Reply to comment]

Yours looks fabulous! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

13. Mary Jo said... [Reply to comment]

I haven't been baking at all. All the heat and smoke but i do have some ice cream going in my machine:) props to you for getting some baking done! and i always love the bundts.

14. Kathy Walker said... [Reply to comment]

This looks so sweet and moist! Yum. Cool bundt pan.

15. Cucinista said... [Reply to comment]

I think I would suffer jury duty for this cake. I love the face in the slice: you could name it after someone famous and sell it on eBay!

16. Lucy said... [Reply to comment]

What a lovely shaped tin - to create such lovely cakes! And I can totally see the face in your yummy slice :)

17. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Inspiration for my own fiesta pan! Happy no-jury-duty day. Well, I believe in a citizen's duty and all that, but's nice not to make the cut!

18. Madam Chow said... [Reply to comment]

Like you, I am a bundt pan/bundt cake fanatic. this recipe sounds so interesting, what with pouring the boiling water over the chocolate and butter. And it looks amazing!

19. Jennifer said... [Reply to comment]

Wow baking at 4am!!! I love bundt cakes too, cant get enough of them! This cake looks so rich and amazing! Love the face/cake profile ;)

20. nikcreate said... [Reply to comment]

It looks so christmasy already!

21. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

It reminds me of one of the Easter Island statues:) I would love for you to join me at for Crock Pot Wednesday. Come check it out.

22. AmyRuth said... [Reply to comment]

Yumm it looks so good.... where is the coffee? I love these types of recipes that you can just whip out in no time and practically anytime you have all the ingredients on hand. Kind of like the chocolate sheet cake. I have a buttermilk pound cake like that baked in a Nordic Bundt pan. he he The hubz Mom's recipe. He loves it. So does the youngest and the oldest and the middle. he he Thank you for sharing.

In CoMo its in the high 60's

23. Nick said... [Reply to comment]

Nice bundt! Check out our Nordicware fiesta party pan creation here.

24. steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

yum!! i for sure see the face...kind of an easter island looking face. (oh, just saw that nacny thinks so, too). and the trees...i wonder why they called it "fiesta?"

25. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

This looked so good I had to make it - thanks for the inspiration, it got me to buy my own bundt pan (not Fiesta though) - the cake is cooling, I am sure it's going to be delicious.

26. Maryanna said... [Reply to comment]

LOL at the face profile!!! I bet this cake was very moist... MMMM.

27. April said... [Reply to comment]

I really adore all your Bundt pans! Nordicware makes some nice ones! What a yummy looking celebration cake!

28. Ingrid_3Bs said... [Reply to comment]

Ha, funny but you're right it does look like a face!

29. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

What a fun bundt pan! Not that I'm surprised to see it as you are the queen of bundts and all! I can't believe you got up at 4 am to bake. That's dedication!!

30. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Yay! No jury duty! I love the shape of this bundt pan. I'm going to have to look out for it.

Your cake slice does look like the Easter Island faces a bit. :P

31. CrunchyRobot said... [Reply to comment]

I made this cake four days ago and the (tiny) piece that's left is STILL MOIST! This cake is awesome and is definitely going into the regular rotation. Not too sweet, but nice and chocolaty, and it's not even that bad for me. Yippie!

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