Coconut Bundt - Day #9 - I Like Big Bundts

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Coconut Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Day 9 of I Like Big Bundts: 30 Days of Bundt Cakes
Coconut Bundt Cake with Powdered Sugar Glaze

I Like Big Bundts Logo by JustJenn Designs
Thanks to my friend JustJenn of JustJennDesigns for making the logo!

Have plans for November 15th? Well, that's National Bundt Day and you should make a Bundt to celebrate this awesome baking pan! To inspire you, I'm making 30 Bundts from now til then!

Coconut Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Today, it's all about you.
Not me.
You, the one who likes strands of coconut. This cake is all for you.

Because I ain't getting near it.

As has been well documented, I hate shredded coconut. I can't tell the difference between that stuff and dental floss. However, I do love coconut flavored items, Thai curries with coconut, and lovely Thai desserts using coconut milk. But the strands? I'll pass.

Coconut Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
So, here's to you. I heard from co-workers that this Coconut Bundt is good. So take it from them. If you are one of them who keeps shredded coconut providers in business, make this Coconut Bundt!

This Bundt uses cake flour, 6 eggs and no baking soda or powder. The eggs do the lifting for this Big Bundt. It has triple coconut: unsweetened coconut milk, coconut extract and, of course, shredded coconut.

Coconut Bundt - I Like Big Bundts

See you back here tomorrow for another round of Bundt making! And please, do what you can to keep me inspired. Make a Bundt! :) Karin of This Wife Bakes told me about her Pumpkin Chocolate Bundt. Check out her interesting cream cheese chocolate frosting. Yum!

- mary the food librarian

Coconut Bundt Cake with Powdered-Sugar Glaze
from Epicurious (Bon Appétit, October 2000)

I Like Big Bundts recap:
The Food Librarian confesses: I Like Big Bundts
Day 1: Pumpkin Spice Bundt with Buttermilk Icing
Day 2: Chocolate-Cinnamon Bundt Cake with Mocha Icing
Day 3: Pumpkin-Apple Spiced Bundt
Day 4: Cinnamon Ripple Sweet Potato Bundt
Day 5: Chocolate Zucchini Bundt
Day 6: Cardamom Vanilla Bundt
Day 7: Monkey Bread in a Bundt
Day 8: Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bundt
Pin It!


1. Rosa's Yummy Yums said... [Reply to comment]

Very pretty and surely delicious!



2. slush said... [Reply to comment]

See, Im that person. The one who loves coconut. But, my husband is like you. He cant stand it. Therefore, I only make coconut desserts when we have company to help eat them. This cake looks perfect. And once again, every time I say "I like big bundts" outloud, I crack up laughing. Seriously hilarious Mary!

3. Dorothy said... [Reply to comment]

Looks great! I love coconut, but can see why someone would be put off by the strandy texture. Ever tried the minced coconut? It looks like panko crumbs. I've also put flaked coconut into the food processor and pulsed it a few times to break it down (so I can sneakily feed it to my unsuspecting coconut-hating co-workers. They end up loving it once they don't notice the strands.)

4. laurelvb said... [Reply to comment]

I need to make one of those only without those nasty sweetened Angel Flaked Coconut. I used to hate anything with coconut until I bought a bag at the Health Food Store which is a)unsweetened and b)a much finer shred and c)actually edible. Try it some time.

5. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love all sorts of coconut. You can send one my way. It looks delicious!

6. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

See, I hate coconut too, but I will eat them in my Burger Bite Cookies, but otherwise...I'll pass.

7. Lucy said... [Reply to comment]

This is so pretty! I'm sorry you couldn't eat it, it sounds gorgeous :)

8. Karen said... [Reply to comment]

I just want to let you know how much I have been digging I Like Big Bundts! I am a huge bundt lover and look forward to each day's posting. Thanks!

9. betty geek said... [Reply to comment]

I can't keep up with you . . you are on fire!

Lovely coconut bundt cake!

10. Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

oh this looks delicious! I love coconut. I m trying this :)

11. Sarah G said... [Reply to comment]

What are you doing with all these cakes?! I am hopeless at making bundts. I just made one, twice, and both times it did not release from the pan. It is a brand new pan, so don't know if that makes a difference. I did butter and flour the pans. Recipe said to cool for 15 minutes and remove from pan before cooling completely. But I'm thinking, leave in pan until fully cooled. What do you do?

12. Tia said... [Reply to comment]

totally ditto with the coconut thing.

13. CaSaundraLeigh said... [Reply to comment]

I was hoping a coconut bundt would ensue sooner or later! Once I get sick of pumpkin for the season, I plan on moving on to coconut!

14. Maria said... [Reply to comment]

I love coconut! Great cake!

15. Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

Mmm, I like shredded coconut, I'll have a taste! ;)

16. Karin said... [Reply to comment]

I love coconut! This look beautiful! Keep up the Bundts Mary!! I am enjoying them. Thanks for the link!! :)

17. Angela KL said... [Reply to comment]

I like your humour Mary.. that you can't tell the difference between dental floss & coconut strands ;)).

I'm like you.. I like it in curries, deserts (milk form.. we call it "santan" here) but not in shredded form.

Coconut is easily available here.. and the shops have a "mean" machine for scraping the coconuts. I don't know about you guys overseas, but over here, we know fresh coconut/milk don't keep well.

I'll join you in your bundt marathon and will bake a bundt cake one day.. not everyday but one or two days ;)

Keep them bundts coming Mary!! Good job and I salute your commitment!

18. Bec said... [Reply to comment]

Early on in this bundt adventure, I wondered if you'd do coconut but remembered your dislike of the shredded variety. I'm excited about this recipe. And, I check your blog every day just to see what big bundt is coming next!

19. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Was hoping you would make a coconut bundt! Too bad you don't dig coconut. This would go over VERY well in my house..I bet it was delicious!

20. Andrea at Nummy Kitchen said... [Reply to comment]

Love your bundt celebration! This cake looks delicious, I am one of those coconut lovers, but my husband hates it in all forms so I don't use it too often. This cake is calling my name though, I recently added the 'aloha bundt' to my pan collection and think this would be a fun cake to break it in with, maybe with a pineapple juice glaze...

21. Nutmeg Nanny said... [Reply to comment]

Oh this looks great. I'm one of those people who love shredded coconut:)

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