Valentine's Day Broken Glass Jello

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentine's Broken Glass Jell-O
Happy almost Valentine's Day!

Last year, I posted 5-layer Valentine's Jello and it was very popular. But what happens if you want an even easier gelatin treat (or you don't have a level refrig?) Make this very easy version of Broken Glass Jello. You don't even turn on your oven!

Valentine's Broken Glass Jell-O
You only need a few ingredients from the store: Jello, sweetened condensed milk, and Knox unflavored gelatin. You also need time. I usually make this over a two day period - Make the blocks one night, and finish it the next morning or day.

Valentine's Broken Glass Jell-O

Normally, I use four different Jello colors (each one a small 3 oz. box of gelatin).
For this Valentine's day jello, I used:
1 - 6 oz (big box) of Cherry Jell-O
1 - 6 oz (big box) of Peach Jell-O

If you are going for the Valentine's colors, you can use Strawberry, Watermelon (this comes out pink), or Raspberry.

1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk (don't get evaporated milk)

2 envelopes unflavored gelatin (that Knox stuff)

Directions: For a 4 color dessert, dissolve each 3 oz box of jello in one cup of boiling water. For this 2-color dessert, dissolve each 6 oz box of Jello in TWO cups boiling water. Pour into a container and chill (overnight is best; chill for at least 4 hours until firm). After chilling the flavors, cut each flavor into small blocks.

Carefully mix the blocks in a 9 x 13 pan.

In a separate bowl, sprinkle 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin into 1/2 cup cold water. After the gelatin blooms (just a few minutes), add 1 1/2 cup boiling water and dissolve. Add the can of condensed milk. Stir and cool. Pour cooled milk mixture over jello. Skim off the bubbles for a nicer finish. Chill overnight. Cut into blocks. Keep refrigerated until ready to serve! Enjoy!

Valentine's Broken Glass Jell-O
Valentine's Day is also my friend Pam's birthday! Happy Birthday Pam!!!

Other recipes of interest:
Broken Glass Jello
Broken Glass Jello (4 colors) with step-by-step photos

Valentine's 5 Layer Finger Jello
5 Layer Valentine Jello
Pin It!


1. DailyChef said... [Reply to comment]

I love all the colors! It just looks so fun to eat. I've been looking for something quick and playful, and I think I've found it now!

2. Debbie said... [Reply to comment]

Looks delicious and such a great idea! I love the multi colored jello!

3. grace said... [Reply to comment]

outstanding. tremendous. superb. i'm so impressed by and enamored of this, mary--it's clever and delightful.
now that i'm out of adjectives to describe this concoction, i'll just say bravo. :)

4. Nutmeg Nanny said... [Reply to comment]

Every time you make this it makes me want to make it. I know you say it's easy but I'm always so intimidated....ahhh. I gotta just break down and do it because it looks so beautiful and fun!

5. kimberleyblue said... [Reply to comment]

I adore your Jello desserts. I meaning to try it, and I keep forgetting. Thanks for reminding me with such a beautiful post!

Must be sooo delicious too.

6. Katie said... [Reply to comment]

Oh wow! I have never seen anything like it - its almost a work of art - I can imagine it on a grand scale in someones living room. How cool!

7. The Scootabaker said... [Reply to comment]

Have you ever used almond jello with JELL-O jello? That would be an interesting flavor combo.
Ya know, I just don't have enough jello in my life...

8. diva said... [Reply to comment]

Oh is this beautiful or what! How lovely. happy Valentine's :)

9. Rosy said... [Reply to comment]

These are so beautiful and perfect. Just wonderful....

10. vanillasugarblog said... [Reply to comment]

wouldn't those be great as glass pieces on the coffee table? so pretty.

11. Alexis Contact: said... [Reply to comment]

Love your blog...I can't seem to get enough even if you love love UCLA so much...I will make an exception for the Food Librarian:-) How to you edit your pictures? Do you use photoshop? I am a beginnger and love what you do with your pics.

12. Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

These look so fun Mary. Wondering if I have the patience to try this.

13. Su-yin said... [Reply to comment]

I love the idea of the broken glass jello - so pretty! Thanks for the fantastic idea.

14. Barbara Bakes said... [Reply to comment]

That is impressive Jello! What a fun idea!

15. Dot said... [Reply to comment]

Hopefully this won't post twice...

I really like your recipe, and I'd love to post a link/pic to it on in the spotlight section this weekend. Thanks for sharing :)

16. Ms. Twixt said... [Reply to comment]

LOVE this! We tweaked your idea for red-white-and-blue jell-o to celebrate the opening of the Winter Olympics today - check it out on our blog at (we linked to you too!).

17. Kara's "Original Greek" said... [Reply to comment]

Interesting! Lovely and Bright! Great for Valentines Day! enjoyed visiting your site!

18. Kimberly said... [Reply to comment]

This gave me the idea of doing broken glass jello with four colors to celebrate the opening of the Olympics... like the colors of the Olympic rings. Okay, maybe it's a stretch, but my 7-year old cousin will love it!

19. Wendy said... [Reply to comment]

Wow! That is so beautiful! I am going to try that!

20. Lulu the Baker said... [Reply to comment]

I LOVE any kind of pretty jello. I made rainbow ribbon jello a while back, and it just makes you happy when you eat it!

21. The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Dear, I don't do much with the photos. I have Photoshop Elements (the cheaper home version of Photoshop) and sometimes mess w the photos, but I usually just adjust them in Flickr or Picasa. I take a lot of photos and toss a lot of them! :) I suggest reading the followinb blogs for photo info:
- mary the food librarian

22. shawna said... [Reply to comment]

The "stained glass" jello would look gorgeous in wine goblets too with a dollop of whipped cream on top! Very cool dessert!

23. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I am way late to this party...but, I thought I'd share what i did. LOVED this idea but whenever I've made jello, I use fruit juice or lemonade instead of cold water. For the "fancy" broken glass, I used black cherry, strawberry, peach, orange jello with a peach lemonade to mix them. I was wondering...what if I used a flavored/colored gelatin to blend with the sweetened condensed milk for a color? would that ruin it?

24. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

love it! keep baking Mary, everything looks fab :D

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