Croquembundt - Day #23 of I Like Big Bundts

Monday, November 8, 2010

Croquembundt - I Like Big Bundts
Croquembundt. Enough said.

It's Day #23 of I Like Big Bundts. Pull out your calendar. Go ahead. I'll wait. One week from's National Bundt Day! Seriously great time of year! Make a Bundt cake to celebrate the awesomeness of the Bundt. I Like Big Bundts because they have a low frosting to cake ratio (I'm a frosting hater), are super easy to make, and can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner. :) Bring a Bundt to an office meeting and you get out of taking minutes. Maybe not, but it'll make the meeting more interesting.

Croquembundt - I Like Big Bundts
After making 200 cream puffs for Jun's wedding (post about the dessert bar and beautiful ceremony is in the works), I felt like a cream puff machine. Pastry don't freak me out anymore! And I have my friend Pastry Chef-in-Training Rosie who is attending Johnson & Wales to thank for that!

Croquembundt - I Like Big Bundts
I've never made a Croquembouche, the tradition French wedding cake that is a tower of cream puffs and caramel. And why start with the tradition when you have 30 Bundts to make? When I saw Matt Bite's awesome Churroquembouche, I knew what I wanted to try.

Croquembundt - I Like Big Bundts Croquembundt - I Like Big Bundts
It didn't come out perfect, and kinda just looks like an unfinished croquembouche, but you get the idea. I hope you can see the vision...and the fact that I made this at 5:15 am on a rainy Monday morning! :)

Croquembundt - I Like Big Bundts
Don't forget to enter my Amazon giveaway for my 39 11/12th birthday. I'm less than one month away from my 40th birthday so please help me celebrate! :) The giveaway ends Sunday, November 14th (yes, that is ONE day before National Bundt Day!)

I Like Big Bundts Button
Also, if you make a Bundt for National Bundt Day, I'll send you a JustJennDesign's I Like Big Bundts button! They are small and stylin'. You'll need to send me a link to the post (or a photo if you don't have a blog) and I'm going to do a round up after National Bundt Day. Also, be sure head over to JustJenn's site for her free shipping week!

See you back here tomorrow for...wait for it...another Bundt! - mary "I'm 39 11/12 and one day years old" the food librarian
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1. Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

You are too cute. I think this is my favorite looking bundt of yours. And girl, I already made my bundt for next week. Nothing as elaborate as this but I made it in your honor :)

2. The saim Family said... [Reply to comment]

oh what a creative take on the bundt!

3. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

how creative! I definitely will be making a bundt :)

4. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

You are on fire now! Great bundt, so original.

5. Hannah said... [Reply to comment]

So I don't usually comment here, but I just had to drop in and say that this is brilliant, spectacular, and I just love it! You're definitely making me want to break out the bundt pans with your bundt celebration, too.

6. Linda said... [Reply to comment]

Love it!!!! Can't wait to see the dessert bar pix!

7. Jessica said... [Reply to comment]

This is amazing!! Totally see your vision. It reminds me of super fancy monkey bread. :) I'm excited to make my bundt...hopefully it will live up to my vision for it!

8. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love this bundt!!! What great pics. I can almost taste the delicious pastry creme. Mmm! Love you and miss you tons, Rach, Lee and Caden

9. Katie said... [Reply to comment]

Wow that's really creative not to mention amazingly impressive! You have so many great bundt ideas!!

10. Baking and Mistaking said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my gosh croquembundt! You are too hilarious! I was watching some rerun of a next iron chef episode at like midnight last night and somehow everyone made croquembouches - and now you did too!

11. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

That is simply gorgeous - I think there will be some croquembundts made for holiday celebrations this year!

12. Nichicakes said... [Reply to comment]

Croquembundt..... hilarious.

Jenn needs to make those buttons as magnets... my fridge would be covered with them.

13. ronnie said... [Reply to comment]

Oy. Last year I succumbed to 7 days of bundts thanks to your blog. This year finds me working 75+ hours a week but I think I'm going to have to find a way to make National Bundt Day happen nonetheless.

14. Caroline said... [Reply to comment]

you crack me up Mary! Croquembundt - of course!!

15. Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

Clever bundt!
I AM going to make another bundt one week from today for a certain special occasion (or two) so I wasn't sure if you want the link for that or one that I did recently and posted already--or both.
Here's the link for the previous one.

16. Nutmeg Nanny said... [Reply to comment]

This is so beautiful! Ok I'm going to get a bundt pan and do a bundt for national bundt day! I want one of those adorable buttons!

17. Cherine said... [Reply to comment]

Beautiful bundt !!

18. SweetThingsTO said... [Reply to comment]

That's awesome! A Croquembundt - fab!

19. Acquired said... [Reply to comment]

Fabulous, what a great post. Hope you have an amazing 40th birthday too.

Life begins at 40! I did for me LOL.

20. A Bowl Of Mush said... [Reply to comment]

Wow this is fantastic!

21. Erin said... [Reply to comment]

This is amazingly brilliant! How fun for a party- I've got to snag this idea :)

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