Ice Cream Bundt - Day #27 of I Like Big Bundts

Friday, November 12, 2010

Ice Cream Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Ice Cream Bundt

It's Day #224,517,899 of I Like Big Bundts. What? It's only Day #27? Well, like the weather person says, "It may be 80 degrees, but with the wind chill, it feels like -50 degrees" feels like Day #224,517,89. I'm in the final stretch and hearing that some of you are going to celebrate National Bundt Day on Monday, November 15th is carrying me through!

Ice Cream Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Oh my goodness. I'm exhausted. I was out late last night at the Sanrio 50th Anniversary party. I'm going to post about it in a bit, but let me just tease it with this: I got air-kissed by Erik Estrada from CHiPs. Remember, I'm turning 40 next month so CHiPs was a very big part of my youth. The party was was kawaii overload, and Ponch was really nice. ;)

Ice Cream Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Ice Cream.
Chocolate Ganache.

Really, how could this go wrong? It can't.
Ice Cream Bundt - I Like Big Bundts Ice Cream Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Ice Cream Bundt - I Like Big Bundts Ice Cream Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
I made a 6-cup Bundt (the regular Bundt is 12-cup) and sliced it in half. I lined the Bundt pan with plastic wrap (making it easier to pull out later) and put in the bottom cake. Ice cream is layered next, followed by the remaining cake. Because it is a Bundt and the top is smaller than the bottom, you'll find the last cake layer is going to be a wee bit too small. But do your best and pull up the plastic wrap. Freeze until firm and then cover with chocolate ganache. Freeze again for another 20-30 minutes for the ganache to set up. Next time, I'll use more ice cream in the middle!

Ice Cream Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Don't forget to enter my Amazon $39 11/12 giveaway for my 39 11/12th birthday. I will also donate to two charities in your name. I'm less than one month away from my 40th birthday so join in on my early birthday celebration! :) The giveaway ends Sunday, November 14th.

I Like Big Bundts Button
If you make a Bundt for National Bundt Day, I'll send you a JustJennDesign's I Like Big Bundts button! (head over to JustJenn's site for her free shipping week!) They are small and stylin'.

You will need to email me: (1) Link to your blog post (I will use one photo from your post for the round-up) or (2) One JPG photo if you don't have a blog, (3) Your name (that you want published on the blog) and title of your Bundt (4) Mailing address for the button (including your full name for mailing). You have until Monday, November 22nd to send me the information, so feel free to post on actual National Bundt Day (Nov 15th). Please don't rummage through your archives for an old Bundt, you need to bake something fresh for National Bundt Day to qualify for the button (doesn't have to be a new recipe, just something made this month please :) Your family, friends and co-workers will thank you! :)

Need Bundt recipe ideas?
I Like Big Bundts 2009 (30 different recipes listed here!)
I Like Big Bundts 2010

Whew! I didn't know if I could get this post up in time, but I just made it! Good night and see you tomorrow for another Bundt! - mary the food librarian

P.S. Thanks so much for all your kind comments about Jun & David's Wedding and my dessert bar. I'm laughing at the comments as many say things like "insane" and "So I think it is official. You are crazy!" I totally concur but it was so worth it!

Ice Cream Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Cake was made with 1/2 recipe of Martha Stewart's One Bowl Chocolate Cake in a 6-cup Bundt pan. I bought some Mint Chip Ice Cream at the store and covered the frozen cake in Chocolate Ganache.
Pin It!


1. Lisa said... [Reply to comment]

This ice cream bundt is incredible. It looks so easy to make that even I could do it. Thanks for teaching me a new trick for making an ice cream cake.

2. Natalie said... [Reply to comment]

miss mary, this is genius! love it!

3. Saira said... [Reply to comment]

O.k so I wrote a nice comment and it didn't go through b/c of the stupid wi-fi issues at Starbucks today! anyways...great idea...I'll definitely try this with extra ice cream in the summer for a BBQ or something:)

4. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

That looks like it would be so fun for kids' party. A giant ice cream doughnut!

5. pxilated said... [Reply to comment]

I'm getting married on Monday and I told my almost-husband I'd make us a bundt wedding cake. This one looks delicious. :)

6. Jessica said... [Reply to comment]

I'm definitely an ice cream girl. YUM. The possibilities are endless with this! (p.s. I meant "insane" in the best possible way! :)

7. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

This ones my fave and I'm breaking into your house to eat all of it right now.

8. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Mint chocolate chip is my favorite ice cream. I would be completely powerless against this bundt!

9. Avril said... [Reply to comment]

All I can say is that I am going to be so sad when this "Bundt" theme is have shared sooo many great Bundt cake recipes!!!!

I am going to have to keep my eyes open for the 6-cup Bundt pan. Where did you find yours?

Happy Weekend!
~avril :-)

10. The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

#9 Avril, I found mine at my local cooking store. You can find it online on Amazon (Nordic Ware)

11. TeaLady said... [Reply to comment]

This one has to be my favorite. Ice Cream built in. Perfect.

12. bigFATcook said... [Reply to comment]

I also like big bunts:)) Such as yours.:))

Greets from BFC:))

13. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

i have never seen anything like this before, but this sounds super delicious. I mean how can u go wrong with cake and ice cream!

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