Magnolia's Blueberry Coffee Cake Bundt with Vanilla Glaze - Day #25 of I Like Big Bundts

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blueberry Coffee Cake Bundt with Vanilla Glaze - I Like Big Bundts
Magnolia's Blueberry Coffee Cake Bundt with Vanilla Glaze 

It's Day #25 of I Like Big Bundts 2010! The Food Librarian's 30 days of Bundt cakes...ending on National Bundt Day on November 15th. I hope it is on your calendar! :)

So, here is Magnolia Bakery's Blueberry Coffee Cake with Vanilla Glaze. I picked up their book at the library (I almost always take a cookbook out for a test drive first. Do you do that too?)

Magnolia Bakery. Sorry, I have to giggle because I can't say Magnolia without breaking out the SNL short Lazy Sunday.

I Like Big Bundts 2
I cannot lie.
I like Big Bundts.
And I hope you do too.

Blueberry Coffee
 Cake Bundt with Vanilla Glaze - I Like Big Bundts
Magnolia's recipe calls for making it in a tube pan/angel food pan. Okay. Let's get something straight because some people have asked me my book, a tube pan is not a bundt. Sure, it has a hole in the center, but I believe true bundts are "bottoms up." They are always inverted so the stuff on the bottom of the pan ends up on top. And tube pans? Not very sexy. You can usually bake tube pan recipes in a Bundt pan (and why wouldn't you...they are so much prettier! :), unless the tube pan recipe calls for a "baked-on topping" like a streusel.

I made an error on the glaze. It's a mixture of heavy cream, powdered sugar and vanilla (I used vanilla paste). However, I just mixed it all together (cold), but the instructions say to place over a double boiler and blend together. The consistency would be a lot different than my results. Next time, I'll actually read the full recipe! :)

Blueberry Coffee Cake Bundt with Vanilla Glaze - I Like Big Bundts
Don't forget to enter my Amazon giveaway for my 39 11/12th birthday. I'm less than one month away from my 40th birthday so please help me celebrate! :) The giveaway ends Sunday, November 14th (yes, that is ONE day before National Bundt Day!)

Blueberry Coffee Cake Bundt with Vanilla Glaze - I Like Big Bundts
Also, if you make a Bundt for National Bundt Day, I'll send you a JustJennDesign's I Like Big Bundts button! (head over to JustJenn's site for her free shipping week!) They are small and stylin'.

You will need to email me: (1) Link to your blog post (I will use one photo from your post for the round-up) or (2) One JPG photo if you don't have a blog, (3) Your name and title of your Bundt (4) Mailing address for the button. I'm going to do a round up after National Bundt Day (Nov 15th) so this stuff is due by Monday, November 22nd. Please don't rummage through your archives for an old Bundt, you need to bake something fresh for National Bundt Day to qualify for the button (doesn't have to be a new recipe, just something made this month please :) Your family, friends and co-workers will thank you! :)

See you back here tomorrow for yet another Bundt! - mary the food librarian

The Complete Magnolia Bakery Cookbook, Recipes from the World-Famous Bakery and Allysa Torey's Home Kitchen, page 27
Available on Google books (at this time)
See if your library has the book (via Worldcat)
Posted here on the interwebs
Pin It!


1. {Love, Love, Love} said... [Reply to comment]

I think that you're glaze looks fab as it is, especially if it helps to keep it on the cake, and provides lots of texture x

2. The saim Family said... [Reply to comment]

wow! that glaze is is the cake!

3. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

What a kick to see Food Librarian's Big Bundts linked today in the ALA e-newsletter! Go Mary!

4. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

mmm. That's FROSTING, yo.

5. Esi said... [Reply to comment]

Of course I love blueberry in cakes, but I am DYING over that frosting. Looks insanely awesome.

6. vanillasugarblog said... [Reply to comment]

yeah i'm dying over that frosting too. i had to come on over and see that bad boy. love that button too.

7. Sugar Swings said... [Reply to comment]

love this one...but I'm partial to blueberry anything....and the frosting looks yum to me....!

8. Jessica said... [Reply to comment]

Delish! The cookbook section of the library is my favorite part. :) Also, thanks for the bundt/tube pan clarification!

9. Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

Can't believe they said to bake this in a tube pan - the nerve! It looks gorgeous girl :)

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