Doll Bundt - Day #11 of Food Librarian's I Like Big Bundts 3

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Doll Bundt Cake - I Like Big Bundts 2011
[OMG This is so freaking scary] Doll Bundt
I Like Big Bundts - Day #11

We are on Day #11 of I Like Big Bundts 3. My crazy 30 day marathon of Bundts.

Um, today's bundt freaks me out.

If you read my blog, you may know a few things about me. I love the bundt cake, UCLA, George Clooney, fuyu persimmons...and I'm totally afraid of dolls. Dolls flat-out scare me...I think they come alive in the middle of the night and try to kill you...or do bad things like steal one of your socks, add calories to your body so you never lose weight, and want to hurt you in a very bad and painful way. Yes, I am very scarred by the Twilight Zone.

Growing up, I was all about the stuffed animal toy. Bears, koalas, baby seals, Hello Kitty...all types of plush toys and never a doll. I know some of you LOVE dolls and may think bundt is cute, but it was totally frightening for me to make. So scary, I knew I couldn't do it alone! I invited my friend JustJenn over for moral and piping support.

I Like Big Bundts 2011 Baker Button Design
Let's celebrate the Bundt on November 15th, National Bundt Day! If you make a bundt and send me a photo, I'll put together a round up and send you this custom-made, JustJennDesigns small button! (Submission info tomorrow)

Doll Bundt Cake - I Like Big Bundts 2011
This uses HALF a doll. What?! Yes, you don't have to cut off legs (that would have been so traumatic)...Wilton sells these "doll picks". Oh, how I screamed when I opened the Amazon box. I'm still recovering from that. (That's JustJenn providing some modesty)

Doll Bundt Cake - I Like Big Bundts 2011
Where did the idea come from? Oh, that's another great story. Last year, I got an email from Dulcey, a librarian and master beader from Minnesota. Dulcey visited the Nordic Ware factory store (one of the benefits of living in Minnesota) and had a conversation with the staff. In the course of the casual conversation, she said "my friend" celebrated the bundt with I Like Big Bundts. We've never met. When she was leaving the store, the sale person ran over with a book (Bundt Entertaining), put it into her hands and said, "Please give this to your friend!" Dulcey described this to me in an email, and I are my best friend forever! When I picked up the book at the post office, it fell to the Doll Bundt page. I almost passed out laughing and cringing, right there in the post office (oh, the things the poor postal staff must see every day). Thanks Dulcey for the great bundt book...and for being my new BFF.

Doll Bundt Cake - collage 2
To make the doll bundt, just bake a Bundt in the Nordic Ware Chrysanthemum Bundt pan. Glaze the cooled cake with a powdered sugar, milk or water, and food coloring mixture. Then pipe a butter & powdered sugar frosting with a little dye. Place two large marshmallows in the center of the bundt so you can stick the pick in the center.

Doll Bundt Cake - I Like Big Bundts 2011
My friend JustJenn came over to pipe clothes on a naked half-doll. You know, your regular Sunday morning. JustJenn recently went to a Wilton Food Blogger Workshop, and was a piping queen. She did such a great job! Thanks so much Jenn! Edible candy pearls top the dress.

Doll Bundt Cake - collage 3
Doll Bundt Cake - collage 1
I thought it would help to put a bag over the doll's head... you know, out of sight...less likely to hurt me. However, when you ask an architect to make a "bag", you get this measured out, architecturally accurate bag! :)

Doll Bundt Cake - I Like Big Bundts 2011
Of course, I couldn't keep her in the house. JustJenn popped her on the front seat of her mini-van and drove through the Starbucks drive-thru. The staff cracked up. I'm still sleeping with the lights on.

I hope you are planning to make a bundt to celebrate National Bundt Day on November 15th. Tomorrow, I promise to post submission info. Also, you don't need to have a blog to participate, and I mail the custom-made button internationally. I'll post a round up of the awesome bundts made in celebration. Here's a look at last year's collection!  See you tomorrow for another Bundt! - mary the food librarian

Recap of I Like Big Bundts 3:
Day #1: Buttercake Bakery's Marble Bundt Cake
Day #2: Lemon Bliss Bundt
Day #3: Double-Chocolate Bundt Cake with Ganache Glaze
Day #4: Spice Bundt Cake with Brown Butter Vanilla Bean Glaze
Day #5: Gingery Pumpkin Breakfast Bundt
Day #6: Maida Heatter's Budapest Coffee Cake Bundt
Day #7: Dark Chocolate Bundt
Day #8: Banana Chocolate Chip Bundt
Day #9: Apple Spice Bundt
Day #10: Pumpkin Spice Bundt

Bundt Pan: Chrysanthemum Bundt Pan

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1. Panya said... [Reply to comment]

I have pediophobia too, so...yeah...not making this one! lol

2. Caroline said... [Reply to comment]

Censored boobs & bag over the head, a hilarious post, Mary.
Can't wait to get another button this year, collector's item :)

3. Mrsblocko said... [Reply to comment]

Yeah, I'm not scared of dolls, but I do think cake dolls are a little on the creepy side.

Excellent piping on the bodice though.

4. Sara said... [Reply to comment]

Haha, love this story! What a great way to end up with a doll cake! :) Even though this is a princess-y cake, maybe it's perfect for Halloween if dolls scare you! :)

5. caroline said... [Reply to comment]

I love the story! I have also talked about bloggers that I follow as "friends." Once I told someone, "yes, that has happened to my friend, too." And I tried to think of who it was. Turned out it was an online blogger "friend." When you start sharing about your phobias, we start getting close. :)

6. Andrea said... [Reply to comment]

I was laughing out loud reading this! What a great way to start the morning. I can definitely relate to the doll phobia. I could not have made that cake!

7. Kathy - Panini Happy said... [Reply to comment]

This (the cake itself and your process for making it) is the cutest thing ever! Love the paper bag concealment, ha ha!

8. Mary said... [Reply to comment]

This is my favorite post so far.......I am not scared of dolls or even half dolls but I am scared of people who don't eat bundt cake.

9. kirbie said... [Reply to comment]

When I saw the first photo on this post it sort of freaked me out. I appreciated the bundt look but the doll creeped me out. And then I read your phobia of dolls and I can totally relate. I'm afraid of them to! When I was younger, I used to get these beautiful dolls as gifts and I was afraid of them all. In fact, my parents used to be them near things I shouldn't touch like electric outlets, etc. I love all the pictures of the cake being made. And sticking the bag on her. I also think the dolls secretly stick calories on you at night. lol.

10. Ana said... [Reply to comment]

That's scary - she looks like one of those terrible toilet roll covers from way back. Shudder.

11. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

That is so very creepy, yet sweet at the same time! It's the dead eyes, I think. :) I saw those doll picks at a craft store and they really gave me a scare. But the finished product is very impressive!

12. beth said... [Reply to comment]

omg that's horrifying. I'm so glad you could see the humor/insanity in this one. You should tell us what book you got!!

13. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

RAD post! I HATE dolls too. They scare me, A LOT! It's super fantastic that I just birthed a daughter, who's probably gonna love dolls. She'll be playing with them, as I'm curled up in a ball in the corner crying out of fear. Super.

14. webmailaddress2 said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for taking one for the team, hilarious! I had no idea about the Nordic Ware factory store in MPLS. I recently moved about 5 hours from Minneapolis, so that's another reason (in addition to Mall of America) for me to visit one day.

15. Gastronomer said... [Reply to comment]

This is totally sick and bananas. And I love you for doing it.

16. Karyn said... [Reply to comment]

I think she is very pretty for the ball - or Starbucks... whatever floats her boat :) I'm looking forward to baking a bundt for National Bundt Day!

17. Dulcey said... [Reply to comment]

Mary! My BFF! :) I love the cake, and thanks for sharing the story and spreading the doll bundt "joy." I'm delighted to have been a small part of the process, and JustJenn is awesome for stepping up to the piping plate...

18. Dulcey said... [Reply to comment]

@webmailaddress2 Just so you know, they sell seconds at the factory store too - you can get some good deals. The store has an email list you can get on for sales and classes, so you too can get a chrysanthemum bundt pan and make a scary doll bundt. :)

19. Bethbear said... [Reply to comment]

An appalling cake. I salute you.

20. Kimberly (unrivaledkitch) said... [Reply to comment]

Lol that's hilarious. Overcome your fears or at least take a slice out of them. Too awesome. You're bundt cake skills are something to marvel at. Well done :) thanks for putting on this awesome tribute

21. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

hello! i've been trolling your blog for about a month or so now (friend sent me a link) and i really enjoy reading it. but i felt i had to comment on this...i too am not fond of dolls so it freaked me out, too! but the skirt cake looks awesome. the story associated with this cake is great as well.

looking forward to more bundts! :)

(and we seem to have similar likes and dislikes!)

22. steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

yes, dolls are totally was nice of you to protect her modestly though! this post is hilarious and the cake is really fantastic.

23. Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

Good one! And since dolls freak you out, I suppose this is a great one for Halloween coming up. Should have made her black goth or something. ;)

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