National Library Week 2012 - Baked Explorations Giveaway

Monday, April 9, 2012


Whoo hoo! It's National Library Week 2012!

I hope you celebrate your local library all year long, but this week shines a light on libraries! I'm going to having a few giveaways this week to celebrate.

Sunday Night Cake (Baked Explorations)
Here is the post about making this delicious Sunday Night Cake!

To enter today's giveaway, simply leave a comment below (one entry per person) and I'll pick the winner from a hat (aka Random). Deadline: Monday, April 16, 2012 at midnight PDT. If your comment isn't linked to a blog where I can find you, please leave your email. Shipping to U.S. addresses only. Cake not included, but recipe is inside so you should totally make this cake! Disclosure: I'm paying for the book and shipping.

Good luck and have fun at your library! More info about National Library Week is at ALA!
   - mary the food librarian
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1. amy beth marantino said... [Reply to comment]

I hope I win this! thanks for the chance.

2. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

that frosting looks delicious! i'd love to win the cookbook and get to make it myself! thanks!

3. Kimberly R. said... [Reply to comment]

wow, thanks for the giveaway! i was hoping the cake was included it looks great .lol.


4. Leslie said... [Reply to comment]

Books looks fabulous and cake delicious.

5. Klarika said... [Reply to comment]

Woo! Excited to get to my library and borrow some more books ;)

6. Meister @ The Nervous Cook said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Library week! I can't wait to stop by mine today to pick up the book that's waiting for me! (And, er... settle up on some fines...)

7. Puppydogs said... [Reply to comment]

Oh this looks like an interesting book :)! I love reading cook books.

8. Mrsblocko said... [Reply to comment]

Yay! Library week! I looooooove the library!!!! :) We'd seriously go bonkers without one so close.

9. Jessica Leo said... [Reply to comment]

Hi Mary! I'd love to win a copy of Baked Explorations. I've had this on my wish list for a long time and just haven't purchased it. I have their first book and it is awesome.

10. librariane said... [Reply to comment]

Yay! One of my favorite ways to use the library: cookbooks!

Happy NLW!

11. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

That cake looks delicious - especially the frosting! Happy Library Week!

12. Shannon said... [Reply to comment]

That cake looks fantastic. Yum!

13. Jen said... [Reply to comment]

Curious about this cookbook -- and what a wonderful way to celebrate National Library Week!!!

14. Sandy said... [Reply to comment]

Time go go to the library this week! The pudding frosting recipe looks very yummy.

15. ilefkowitz said... [Reply to comment]

Happy National Library Week!

16. Robin said... [Reply to comment]

WOOT! NLW!!!! I'd love to win this so I can bake more goodies to have in the school library to lure in the adults and convince them to collaborate with me while they're busy eating...

17. Andrea said... [Reply to comment]

Yum! Happy National Library Week!

18. looloolooweez said... [Reply to comment]

Ooooh, that looks fun! Thanks for hosting this giveaway. You're a sweetheart. :-)

19. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Love National Library Week, and especially cookbooks!

20. Christie said... [Reply to comment]

I'll definitely have to try making that cake; it looks delicious!


21. Christine said... [Reply to comment]

It's unfortunate that the cake isn't included, but I appreciate the giveaway.

22. jami said... [Reply to comment]

Hi Mary! We are huge library-goers!

23. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for the giveaway! I also like to bake for my coworkers and this book would be an extra inspiration.

24. Sulman said... [Reply to comment]

The frosting is something I am gonna have to try out soon enough, it looks fantastic!

25. dorism6220 said... [Reply to comment]

I enjoy all the recipes you post.

26. Rashmi said... [Reply to comment]

I have no hard cover baking books, will be great to win one! Thanks for the chance!

27. Savannagal said... [Reply to comment]

I love cook books. Well, actually I love books in general. No eReader for me. Thanks for the giveaway.

28. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Love the blog. I love food and I'm a librarian so double awesome! :)

29. chocolate_coin said... [Reply to comment]

this book looks awesome! thanks!

30. kskristy said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for the giveaway! I'll definitely enjoy some library books this month, and I would also love to enjoy that cookbook!

31. Ei said... [Reply to comment]

I've had my eye on this book for a good long time. Would love to win it!

32. Emily said... [Reply to comment]

I've been dying to have this cookbook!


33. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Love cookbooks!! Love libraries (I'm a librarian too) and would love to win this cookbook

34. Doreen said... [Reply to comment]

Love your blog! And baking, too! Go Bruins!

beaniebruin [at] gmail [dot] com

35. Jessica said... [Reply to comment]

I really want this cookbook! And I'm a librarian, too! =)

36. Dulcey said... [Reply to comment]

Beautiful cake! I'd love to make it. I only have 2 different cakes made at the moment. :)

37. Margaret said... [Reply to comment]

Love this pudding frosting recipe! Love your blog even more!

38. katem said... [Reply to comment]

Cake looks delicious! Would love to try the recipe from the book!

39. Julia :o) said... [Reply to comment]

Ooooh, giveaway, how lovely. And if all the recipes are as great as this one it's going to be great. I adore my local library and librarians :o))

40. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I'm always checking your bundt cake recipes. I love easy recipes, and those cakes fit the bill. Thanks for the recipes and contest

Pat H.

41. Sunshine said... [Reply to comment]

Glad you found another topping you like. :)

42. Jennifer said... [Reply to comment]

Just returned from the public library where I checked out as many Henry & Mudge books as I could carry. My 3-year old is addicted to H&M as well as Angelina Ballerina. I would love to read to her while eating that cake. Having a copy of that cookbook would be terrific! Thank you.

43. Rebekah said... [Reply to comment]

I'd like the cake too! epicurableblog at gmail dot com

44. Ali Solomont said... [Reply to comment]

Very much enjoy your blogspot... Libraries, contrary to popular belief, are alive & well and thriving in the US of A!


45. Ali Solomont said... [Reply to comment]

Love your blog and would LOVE this cookbook!

46. Pegs said... [Reply to comment]

Yeah! Food, reading, books and food?! Love it! Thanks so much for all the great inspiration!

47. grace said... [Reply to comment]

this looks like a great cookbook--even the name is awesome!

48. Tawnie said... [Reply to comment]

That pudding frosting sounds amazing!! I would love a copy of that book :)

49. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Love to cook, love to eat and love that I am a librarian!

Terri in Charlotte, NC

50. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

OMG. Looks delicious. (iwillresist(at)gmail(dot)com

51. Hennifer said... [Reply to comment]

I love library week and I love your site. What a wonderful giveaway.

We are avid book readers in my house, including my now 5 year old but we love the culture and events also available at our local library.

52. Rina said... [Reply to comment]

Woo hoo contest! The cake sounds so good - bookmarking for future reference. gottalittlespacetofillATgmailDOTcom and yep I have a US mailing addy.

53. webmailaddress2 said... [Reply to comment]

Happy National Library Week! The cookbook looks like fun.

54. Anu said... [Reply to comment]

oh that looks amazing! I'm writing my capstone paper for the end of my first year in grad school and I'm just dreaming about the things I will have time to bake this summer. Thanks for having the giveaway :)

55. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for the opportunity. I hope I win this cook book!

56. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Cake looks awesome, love your blog!!

57. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Yum! I love reading new cook books. Almost more than making (and eating) the recipes. Current favorites are "Carmel Knowledge" and Terry Pratchett's "Granny Ogg's Cookbook." Thanks for holding this giveaway and for highlighting National Library Week.

linda_warner @juno . com

58. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love your blog; would love to win this cookbook!

59. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love your site and have tried several of your recipes! Rebecca,

60. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Cakes and libraries go together! THis is our third annual National Library Week cake give away in our academic library. Great PR tool.

61. tammy said... [Reply to comment]

I love your blog. You really do have some wonderfl recipes. Tammy

62. S said... [Reply to comment]

That cake looks fantastic!

63. Natalie said... [Reply to comment]

oh i would LOVE to own this!!

64. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Happy National Library Week. Both of my children are library volunteers and they also love to bake. What a great combination.

65. Sarah said... [Reply to comment]

yay libraries! that cake looks delicious too!

66. Sara said... [Reply to comment]

I love to bake and this would be a great excuse to try some new recipes!

67. isabel said... [Reply to comment]

Yay Library Week! Would love to win :)

68. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

What a great giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity! Fingers crossed!

69. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I just love your blog.Pam

70. Reena said... [Reply to comment]

yum yum cake

71. Jennie35 said... [Reply to comment]

I have the first cookbook and love it!

72. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I'm addicted to cookbooks especially those dedicated to baking. Would love to add this cookbook to my collection.

73. Kathy said... [Reply to comment]

The cake looks incredibly moist and delicious. Great giveaway ~ thank you for it.

the sugar queen [at] inbox [dot] com

74. Tiffany said... [Reply to comment]

Yum! That cake looks wonderful.

75. Jerilea Hendrick said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Library week!

76. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love a good cookbook recommendation.

mmdgamble at gmail

77. Bec said... [Reply to comment]

Woohoo, Library week! I celebrated by returning some overdue books :)

78. Pam said... [Reply to comment]

Love your blog! I almost live at my library! So peaceful. Well, here's hoping I win! If not, congrats to whoever does.

alemapwebb at gmail

79. Bianca @ Sweet Dreaming said... [Reply to comment]

Awesome giveaway! Love your blog! :)

80. Doris Losey said... [Reply to comment]

Yeah libraries!!

81. Doris Losey said... [Reply to comment]

Yeah libraries!! We need to support and celebrate everyday--not just during National Library Week.

82. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Two of my favorite things: books and baking!

83. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

That cake looks so yummy!

84. Nicole Galante said... [Reply to comment]

I've been eying this book for a while now! I love your blog!

85. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I'm a librarian! I also love food!

86. Laurel7221 said... [Reply to comment]

I cant beleive it is another year. Love the giveaways.

87. Loretta said... [Reply to comment]

This cookbook has the most beautiful cover! Thanks for the chance to win!


88. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love your site and all the pictures of the food "in process"! I also love my library!



89. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

That cake looks amazing. I'm a big fan of the whipped pudding-like topping instead of crunchie frosting. Yum!

90. Julie said... [Reply to comment]

Looks deelish! Can't wait to try it!

91. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Happy library week! I'm making cookies for my music library workers tonight too!

92. Catie said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for the giveaway! One thing I love almost as much as food is books about food!

93. Meghan said... [Reply to comment]

Horray for BOOKS especially food books!

94. sharonjo said... [Reply to comment]

What a lovely and generous giveaway! I've heard great things about both the Baked cookbooks. Thanks so much for the chance to own one of them.

sharonjo at gwtc dot net

95. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

That frosting looks so good! And this is such a great idea. I found your blog for the recipes, but it's also nice to read the blog of a librarian in L.A. (what I hope to be when I graduate from my MLIS program in a few years!)

96. mckiki said... [Reply to comment]

The cake looks delicious! I'm a librarian who'd love to win that book!

97. SS said... [Reply to comment]

I often visit your space to try from your BUndt cakes. The broken glass jello bundt is next on to -do list for me. Love this space.I never win in any draws,but u can't expect to win without trying-so here is my comment:-)
Happy Library Week!!

Sonia.Don't have a Blog,so here is my email address:

98. Margie said... [Reply to comment]

Wow oh wow. That cake looks absolutely yummy!
Unless you have the library like the one the Beast gave to Belle, you can't possibly keep all the books you read. Go check out a book from the library. It's free!

99. Jesse A. said... [Reply to comment]

In it to win it!

100. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love baking, and I love books; a match made in heaven! :) Jeannette R.

101. Megan Myers said... [Reply to comment]

Major craving for that Sunday Night Cake! Hope your National Library Week has been as lovely as mine :)

102. Mb said... [Reply to comment]

great giveaway!

103. Jodie said... [Reply to comment]

Oh pick me! I love Baked!

104. Jessica said... [Reply to comment]

I have never heard of this book, but it looks great! Thanks for the chance to enter!

jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

105. Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks fr the giveaway!

106. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Aaah - I wish I had realized sooner that it's library week - I'd have made something for the librarians to munch on after storytime! Maybe they'lll be happy with a belated one next week.


107. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Awesome new cook book to add to my list!

108. Tazeen said... [Reply to comment]

I would love to win this cookbook!


109. Alexa said... [Reply to comment]

I love using the library to check out cookbooks!


110. Carolyn said... [Reply to comment]

Love my library! It is an incredible resource for all things crafty and cooking-related. That frosting looks delish!

111. Natalie said... [Reply to comment]

Love this I would!

112. joan said... [Reply to comment]

Love the Baked! cookbooks. I already own it, but I would love to give it to my sister.

Happy National Library Week!

113. Lisa said... [Reply to comment]

I love BAKED. Talk about an awesome giveaway.

114. alex said... [Reply to comment]

I absolutely adore your blog and bookmark almost everything I see to make when I'm back home from school and have a kitchen :] (also this book has been on my wishlist for quite some time!)

115. J said... [Reply to comment]

A cookbook that involves chocolate and desserts is like music to my ears.

116. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Books and baking - two of my favorite things!

jenny_farrington at yahoo dot

117. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Archivists love yellow cake too!

118. sydney85 said... [Reply to comment]

The beginning of lots of great baking is a wonderful cookbook. This looks wonderful!

119. ♡♥♬ Carolsue ♡♥♬ said... [Reply to comment]

What a wonderful blog! I'll be spending a lot of time looking around here!
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

120. Cindy Allen said... [Reply to comment]

This book looks fabulous!

121. Divya Kudua said... [Reply to comment]

On my wishlist!

122. Farah said... [Reply to comment]

This cookbook seems amazing!


123. Sand said... [Reply to comment]

This giveaway is making me crave cupcakes!

124. Kelly said... [Reply to comment]

I would love to win this cookbook!

125. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

This is currently on my Amazon wish list!

126. Kerry Howe said... [Reply to comment]

Love Love Love! (This site is making me hungry!)

127. Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Would love to add this cookbook to my collection!

128. Mary said... [Reply to comment]

Yay for baking cookbooks!

129. veronica said... [Reply to comment]

The one and only time I went to Baked in Brooklyn, I had to be pried away from the cupcakes with a crowbar.

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