Strawberry Cones and Pa Pa Walk, San Gabriel, CA

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Strawberry Cones Pizza (San Gabriel, CA)
A few weeks ago, the LA Times Food Section's article "In LA, pizza goes global," mentioned Strawberry Cones, a new Japanese pizza place in San Gabriel. Immediately emailed JustJenn and said we need to go. They have Mochi Pizza. And if it has mochi, I'm there.

Strawberry Cones Pizza (San Gabriel, CA) Strawberry Cones Pizza (San Gabriel, CA)
Strawberry Cones, a chain in Japan, has unique pizzas. They have 200 outlets in Japan and one in Canada. This San Gabriel restaurant is the first franchise in the United States. A different franchise owner just opened one in Little Tokyo. They sell pizza and pasta; we had the pizza.

Strawberry Cones Pizza (San Gabriel, CA)
While waiting for our pizza, Jenn's son colored Red Tornado. Recently, he kicked my butt in an intense game of Disney Memory. I've been practicing at home getting ready for a rematch.

Strawberry Cones Pizza (San Gabriel, CA)
The most popular one is the Teriyaki Mochi Chicken Pizza. The crust is made with rice flour and the pizza is topped with chicken pieces, small pieces of mochi that melt into the crust, onion, teriyaki, cheese, mayo (the Japanese put mayo on really don't notice it), and topped with nori (seaweed). This was definitely my favorite pizza. ($11 for a small)

Strawberry Cones Pizza (San Gabriel, CA)
Is that crust gray? Yes, it is a Ninja Pizza. It uses powdered chikutan, Japanese bamboo charcoal that is supposed to be mineral rich. We got a 1/2 and 1/2 pizza: Avocado Salmon (above) and Mochi Mentai (below). I wish the avocado salmon was double avocado instead. I didn't care for the salmon - it was a little like lox on your pizza. ($12.80 for a small)

Strawberry Cones Pizza (San Gabriel, CA)
This is the Mochi Mentai pizza. I saw the mochi, and didn't even think about the Mentai. Mentaiko is marinated roe of the pollock fish. It is salted and gives it a seafood flavor. I love seafood, but I probably wouldn't get this one again because roe isn't top on my list of favs. However, I do love the nori on all the pizzas. Life is better with nori.

Pa Pa Walk Restaurant - Brown Sugar Milk Snowy
After our trip to Strawberry Cones, we walked through the entire little complex...including visiting the Hilton Hotel (you know, hotel bathrooms are always the nicest). We stopped at Pa Pa Walk for this awesome Brown Sugar Milk Snowy.

They have two types of yummy frozen desserts: Shave Ice and Snowy. Shave ice is the usual - finely shaved blocks of frozen water. But the Snowy is super finely shaved blocks of milk, coffee, green tea flavor. We got the milk snowy with "toppings" - that are actually served UNDER the mound of snowy ice! We got mochi balls (of course!), almond tofu jello, red beans, pudding and condensed milk. I love, love all things shave ice - more than ice cream! I know that is crazy to some people, but I think shave ice is much more refreshing on a hot day. Sweet and cool.

If you are in San Gabriel, check out these two places. And see JustJenn's post about our trip.

Strawberry Cones (Suite 118-B): (626) 293-1852
Pa Pa Walk (Suite 148-B): 626-281-3889
227 W. Valley Blvd. San Gabriel 91776
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1. kirbie said... [Reply to comment]

I've been eagerly awaiting this post! Mochi pizza! I must try. And snowy shaved ice. I love, love shaved ice. I'm planning my road trip right now. I must go to SGV. Like Now!

2. DailyChef said... [Reply to comment]

Anyplace that serves a Ninja pizza, let alone a Terriyaki Mochi pizza, is on my list! I'm going next time I can make it to the LA area.

3. Roxan said... [Reply to comment]

There are korean pizza shops in Korea-town also! I haven't been to any yet but I hear they're really good. I know there's one off of Wilshire and Western (north side of wilshire, west of western).

4. Damaris @Kitchen Corners said... [Reply to comment]

both places sounds amazing. I've never heard of a snowy. I want one. I'm obsessed with nori. This looks amazing. I know I said that already but it does!

5. Memória said... [Reply to comment]

Oh cool!! When I go back to LA, I must try this place out! Thanks for sharing.

6. Edana said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my goodness, ninja pizza! How long before they open a location in Boston? And I really really want to try a snowy, it looks so fun to eat!

7. Esi said... [Reply to comment]

I'm not a huge mochi fan (sacrilege), but these pizzas look truly interesting. I would take a trip to San Gabriel to try them out!

8. mr. pineapple man said... [Reply to comment]

how interesting!! dessert looks heavenly. loving your blog!

9. Alessandra said... [Reply to comment]

It is very, very GOOD!
Baci from Italy, Alessandra

10. Lori said... [Reply to comment]

That has to be the most unique pizza I have ever saw. With a boatload of nori in my pantry, I think this may be a nice way to use it.

11. Katie said... [Reply to comment]

Wow I have never seen food like this before. Looks fantastic and would love to try it all. The milky with all the toppings sounds so yummy too. Envious!

12. Mandy said... [Reply to comment]

I only wish that I am anywhere closer! i wonder how the mochi tastes on the pizza? does it only provide a chewy texture when you bite into it?

13. The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Mandy #12, Thanks for visiting my blog. I think all pizza crust is a bit chewy, and didn't find the crust extremely chewy. I couldn't tell that much difference in the crust, but definitely tasted the chewy mochi pieces on top of the teriyaki mochi pizza. - mary

14. vanillasugarblog said... [Reply to comment]

love these kinds of posts. missing cali so much...

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